
News ID: 385314    Publish Date : 2018/01/09

News ID: 385311    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

Two hundred members of families of martyr defenders of Holy Shrines visited Imam Reza Holy Shrine and were welcomed by Astan Quds Razavi’s servants.
News ID: 385310    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

The stars of Christ in the sacred defense galaxy
News ID: 385305    Publish Date : 2017/11/01

From the soils of “Hajj Imran” to the farewell to the Church of “Tarhmanshats” The martyr “Yurik Sardarin Seth”, the 6th of September, went to the forefront of the “Hajomran” area for the last time, and three days later, while guarding the area, he was martyred by the death of his quiver mortar and returned to the Church of Targemachates to eternal paradise.
News ID: 385304    Publish Date : 2017/11/03

The martyr's father, the missing person of the holy defense, said: "The message of the martyrs protects the values and supports the velayat-e faqih; my son was the leader in the defense of the country, and in this way,he calmed down on the shore of salvation.
News ID: 385302    Publish Date : 2017/11/01

Martyr Kazemi ordered the warriors to bring the body of Majid back. When Abbotrabbi placed two knees on the ground and kissed his bloodthirsty kiss on the body of the martyr Sajdeh Sugar, when he placed the face of Majid in front of his father.
News ID: 385301    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

Martyr Ibrahim Amiri wrote in his will: “O Commander of the Lord and O Jundullah, be at the heart of the enemies of Islam and with the help of all your warrior brothers and with the help of all the merciless people in the world and hurry with the help of your Muslim brothers in Palestine, Lebanon and Afghanistan.
News ID: 385300    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

Sayyed Nasrallah:
Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that "The Iranian Al-Quds Force is essential in preparing for the great war." On another level, the Resistance Leader said. "Despite the fact that fighting Daesh "ISIS" is tougher than fighting "Israel", it would have been possible to end up Daesh earlier wasn't it for the American assistance."
News ID: 385299    Publish Date : 2018/01/05

Subject Bank of Sacrifice and Martyrdom (86)
Before being captured by the Iraqi Baathist forces I had gone to the battlefields for several times. Once I decided to take my child who had just been born to the battlefields...
News ID: 385295    Publish Date : 2017/11/11

Subject Bank of Sacrifice and Martyrdom (83)
Navideshahed: There is teenager from Esfahan city whose photos and films have been broadcasted by the television for several times. He was persisting so much to get on the bus and to go to the battlefields of Iran-Iraq war. He had a bag in his hand and he was crying in tears. He was begging the dispatching war veterans to allow him to get on the bus, but they try to prevent him from getting on the bus.
News ID: 385294    Publish Date : 2017/12/15

countries had quite different situations. On one side there was Iran which after the fall of the Shah would see itself free of the rein of domestic and foreign rule and had no relations with world powers. On the other side was Iraq with its reliance on the US and which had started the attack with Western-made weapons.
News ID: 385293    Publish Date : 2017/12/10

Bank Subject of Sacrifice and Martyrdom (81)
Navideshahed: During Bostan military operation, our battalion had faced with a serious problem while crossing the barbed wires. The enemy was dropping many missiles and rockets on the area and the forces had lost their powers. Even a small mistake could change the direction of victory for the Iranian forces…
News ID: 385292    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

Navideshahed: The book ‘Ablution with Soil’ has been written by Abdollah Mohammadi and it was released by cooperation of Shahed Publication and the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs of Ardebli province.
News ID: 385290    Publish Date : 2017/12/06

Martyr Khanbani in his will states: "Here is a university in which human beings are real, and they see the difficulties and hardness of their worldly times, and teach the lesson of faith, courage, bravery and masculinity."
News ID: 385288    Publish Date : 2017/12/28

A huge crowd attending funeral procession in Najafabad city, Isfahan Province, on September 28, 2017, for Martyr Mohsen Hojajji, beheaded Iranian mili
News ID: 385287    Publish Date : 2018/01/08

Three martyrs of a clash between security forces and a terrorist sleeper cell that was dismantled in Piranshahr, northwest of Iran, were laid to rest on Friday.
News ID: 385284    Publish Date : 2018/01/05

Prominent Iranian dermatologist Dr. Seyed Nasser Emadi expressed pleasure in the release of a report in the US Science journal on Iranians chemically wounded by Saddam's army during the Iraqi-imposed war (1980-1988), stressing that the US scientists have eventually come to acknowledge their pains and sufferings
News ID: 385282    Publish Date : 2018/01/02

In recent events, the enemies of Iran united by using different tools in their disposition, including money, weapons, politics and intelligence, in order to create problems for the Islamic system.
News ID: 385280    Publish Date : 2018/01/03

The Supreme Leader in a meeting with a group of officials of Azerbaijan province and Qom:
The Supreme Leader in a meeting with a group of officials and cultural activists of Azerbaijan province and Qom said: The great Arba’een pilgrimage is a sign for expanding of soul and getting ready for martyrdom.
News ID: 385278    Publish Date : 2017/12/13